Friday 25 October 2013

Initial Thoughts
Who I might work with?
Lena Harding and Denver Tuck
They are hard working. All have good ideas
Chosen area to campaign for.
Weston Village Church
 It needs to be regenerated to make  the community better.
Local campaign – how does this place affect the area.
The church not being in use affects the area as it limits the things the younger generation can do. It also stops the religious people from going to church etc.
 Bringing the church back to life will bring the community together.
Media Form 1: Briefly outline.             your campaign ideas – name, slogan, audience, form etc
Our first media form is a 3-4 minute documentary. The audience is younger generation. Our slogan is 'Putting the We back  into Weston' The slogan will appear at the end of our documentary.
The documentary about an old man who has lived in the village all his life and we visit his past when the church was being used and how it is now. It will show the man being upset about how the church is not in use and will have flashbacks of him when he was younger and happy because the church was in use.

1Media Form 2: Briefly outline your campaign ideas – name, slogan, audience, form etc
Our second media form is 3 posters. For  mine the slogan will be clear and big across the middle on each of my poster. The audience for each poster will be for the younger audience. Each poster will include the slogan, house colours and logo. The target audience for my poster will be mainly younger genartation and they way i will target them will be by making my posters simple but eye catching and easy for the younger generation to understand.
My first poster will show pictures of activities that the church will have in each corner such as  with the slogan in the middle. My second poster will be a picture of the church in the middle and with the man when he was younger playing outside, with the church looking in good use, with the weather nice whereas the other side will be the old man looking upset, with everything looking negative for example rain.
My third poster will be a picture of the church clear in the middle with questions trying to persuade the community to get together.
How these 2 forms are integrated (vital for higher marks)
Intended target audience
Based on surveys our target will be mainly the younger generation. We think that the younger generation will be easier to target. 
Why this campaign suits them.
We feel like this campaign will benefit the younger generation more as they have no where to go so by us doing this campaign will interest them as it will give them an opportunity to get closer and give them the opportunities to do activities the enjoy at a local place. 

Any other ideas or comments to make

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