Friday, 4 April 2014

Conventions of campaigns

There are many conventions of campaigns as it helps promote the product and it catches the audiences eye.  

Types of conventions: 
  • Slogan 
  • Logo
  • Same character throughout 
  • House colours 
  • Effective language such as persuasive language 
  • Campaign/brand name 
  • Website 
  • Social networking such twitter etc 
  • Contact details 
  • Way of promoting their product/campaign eg posters, leaflets. 

Target audience profile

Our target audience for our campaign is the younger generation 7-14, classes A-D. We want to target them because we feel like they will want to get involved more as it would benefit them the most present and future. We will target them by using colours that will catch their eye. Throughout our products we will use an old man figure to show that he is upset with the way the church is and want to help him but also want to make sure that the church doesn't end up like that for them in the future. We feel like if they know the church will benefit them in making new friends and having a place to go they will want to be more involved.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014


The aim for our campaign was to regenerate the village church in Weston as it was neglected.
The name of our company is Weston. The 2 media products we done was a 2-3 minute documentary about a man who has lived in Weston his whole life and looks back on his life when the church was in use. The other media product i chose was 2 posters and a leaflet. To promote our print based media forms we were going to hang up around the village of Weston. The 2 media forms link as they all have the house colours red and blue. They are also aimed at our target audience and they get the message across that we need the help of the community to bring life back into the church. The 2 media forms also link as we have the same people in the documentary and print based medias to get people to recognize our campaign.
We purposely chose this area as we think if the church would to be in use then the younger generation will be able to have somewhere to go and we thought that it would bring the community together. We researched ways to target our audience, which is the younger generation and we used this throughout our blog.
We followed the brief and collected information such as surveys, interviews and research online to find the best way to see who would get the most involved with our campaign and we chose our target as 11-14 year olds. By choosing this age group we thought that we could also target their parents through them. From research we found out the best way to target our audience is to use film and print based media. In our media products we used ways to get sympathy for the character we used throughout and to use the same colours. We used red and blue as they are suitable for both genders. In our products to show how when something was upsetting or negative the lighting would be dimmer compared to when something was meant to be quiet positive.
In my group Lena Harding and Denver Tuck done all the filming and shooting and i edited the videos and we all worked together to come up with our ideas. With our print productions we all came up with our own ideas and worked independently on our products. As our target audience was the younger generation we stuck to the rules and regulations. We made sure we didn't make any of our products inappropriate.
I think what was succesful in our campaign was working well in a team to come up with different but good ideas and also the way we presented our campaign. I think what we could of done was to set deadlines as we could improve the quality of our print products.