Thursday 13 February 2014

Poster drafts

This poster shows at each corner a type of activity that will take place at church for example as you can see in the poster it shows football, reading and arts and crafts. The slogan is across the middle of the poster. The 'we' in the slogan will be the house colours blue and red. The background will be a blue and red as well as from the results of our survey that was the most liked colour. 

This poster is different as it a picture of the church in the middle, big and clear. Like the first poster the slogan will be across the top with the 'we' in the house colours red and blue. To catch the audiences eye i will have on the poster in clear and big font, a way of trying to persuade the audience e.g 'We need your help. 

 My third poster will show a picture of the church in the middle of the page and either side will show the man from our documentary looking happy when the church was in use. To help it make it look like a happy atmopshere i will add flowers and a sun compared to the other side of the church it will show it n a negative way by having rain, the man looking upset and no flowers etc. 

For my print production i drew 3 poster drafts but ive decidiced to do 2 posters and 1 leaflet as i feel the leaflet will get through to more of the target audience. 

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